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Denver, CO personal injury attorney George McLaughlin talks about his experience in handling pressure cooker explosion cases. The attorney acquired their initial pressure cooker case in 2019 through a referral from an out-of-state legal practitioner representing a client in Colorado. This marked the attorney’s entry into nationwide pressure cooker litigation, encompassing various states, both in state and federal courts. The attorney’s success in handling these cases can be attributed to the consistent nature of product liability laws across the country.
A noteworthy highlight in the attorney’s career involved being the first to depose the manufacturer of the Instant Pot. Undertaking this task, the attorney traveled to Canada, dedicating four days to gather deposition testimony from the Instant Pot’s designated corporate representative. This significant event took place during the initial phases of global reopening post-COVID.
With a rich history of 40 years in product liability work, the attorney’s approach to initiating a new case entails tapping into extensive files, meticulously collecting pertinent documents, and preparing for deposition testimony with thorough attention to detail.