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What must a party prove for a finding of contempt in a MA divorce?

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of contempt in Massachusetts

the court must find that there has been

a clear

Disobedience of a clear and unequivocal

court order the standard must be by

clear and convincing evidence which is

somewhere between preponderance of the

evidence and Beyond a reasonable doubt

it’s often


hard to prove that A party’s in contempt

of a court order either because

they either don’t have the ability for

example to comply with the court order

which is also something that has to be

shown that they have the ability to

comply and they and they fail to do so

or the court order isn’t necessarily

unequivocal it could be subject to

interpretation depending on who’s

reading it and who’s who’s looking at it

Hingham, MA family law attorney Kimberley Keyes explains what a party must prove for a finding of contempt in a MA divorce.

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