Memorable Personal Injury Cases Attorney in Rochester, Minnesota

Can I handle my own personal injury case?

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Good example of why it’s so important to have an experienced personal injury attorney on your side – this was a family who thought that they were going to be able to handle the serious accident of their two children on their own. Smart people, educated people that took the insurance company at their word that they were looking out for them. They came to us near the end of the process asking if we could look over what had taken place to see if anything else needed to be done. As it turns out, they had missed several steps that resulted in tens of thousands of dollars of additional recovery for their children, involved taking care of the health insurance in a way where they weren’t reimbursed at the – at the kind of rate that the insurance company was asking for. And the net difference for the – for these two children was absolutely huge. So it was an example of why it’s so important to have an attorney that is making sure that you’re maximizing your recovery and taking care of all the details.

Rochester, MN personal injury lawyer Paul Dahlberg talks about a memorable case that serves as an example of why you shouldn’t represent yourself in court. He explains that this case serves as a compelling reminder of the significance of having an experienced personal injury attorney by your side. In this particular situation, a family initially believed they could handle their two children’s serious accident independently. Despite being intelligent and well-informed individuals, they trusted the insurance company’s assurances that their best interests were being prioritized. It was only towards the end of the process that they approached us, seeking an assessment of their situation and any necessary further actions. Upon review, we discovered that they had overlooked several crucial steps that would have resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in additional compensation for their children. This included effectively managing their health insurance to ensure fair reimbursement rates, which had a significant impact on the final outcome. This case underscores the importance of having an attorney who can diligently navigate the legal process, maximize recovery, and attend to all necessary details on behalf of the injured party.

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