Mediation & Collaborative Divorce Attorney in , Texas

Collaborative Divorce vs Traditional Litigation

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Again, if I’m comparing it to a hotly contested litigation case, then I think it is quicker, but it can still take some time. An average collaborative case, in my opinion, is gonna take anywhere from three to five meetings, and the meetings can happen every three to four weeks, and so it can still take some time. It’s still possible for the collaborative process to be a four to six month process. So it’s not necessarily quick. Now I’ve had litigation cases that have gone on for a year or more. I don’t know that I’ve had any collaborative cases that have lasted a year, so they are definitely over before then. I mean you can have some litigation cases that get over quick as well, but I think a collaborative case is probably a three to six month process on average.

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Austin, Texas divorce law attorney, Tim Whitten discusses how long the process of collaborative divorce can take.

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