Mediation & Collaborative Divorce Attorney in Los Angeles, California

Advantages to Mediation: What are the advantages to the mediation process?

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There are many advantages to mediation especially in the family law context. First of all, mediation is confidential. Anything that is said by any person participating in the mediation is confidential and can’t be used in court. Most of the papers and notes and memoranda and e-mails that are used solely for the purpose of the mediation are likewise confidential. It should be made clear, I should make clear that documents that otherwise are not confidential such as for example, tax returns or financial statements or settlement closing statement in real estate those are produced for other purposes. You don’t, the fact that you use them in mediation doesn’t make them all of a sudden confidential.

But the most important aspect and advantage of medication aside from its confidentiality is that people who come to the table and create and make their own agreements are far more likely to abide those agreements than the edict from the person in the black robe and the judge makes an order and the parties hate it. And they go well, that’s not what we wanted. And then you’re stuck with it unless you want to then renegotiate and modify what the judge made. But if you can do that you might as well have made your own agreement in the first instance as far as I’m concerned.

Los Angeles, CA family law attorney Joanne Ratinoff talks about the advantages to the mediation process. She explains that mediation offers numerous advantages, particularly within the realm of family law. Firstly, confidentiality is a key benefit of mediation. Anything disclosed during the mediation process remains confidential and cannot be used in court. This includes papers, notes, memoranda, and emails that are exclusively related to the mediation. It’s important to note that documents that are not inherently confidential, such as tax returns, financial statements, or real estate settlement closing statements, retain their non-confidential status even if used during mediation.

However, the most significant advantage of mediation, apart from its confidentiality, is that parties who actively participate in crafting their own agreements are more likely to adhere to them. In contrast, when a judge issues an order that the parties may dislike, they may feel frustrated and resentful. While they could pursue renegotiation or modification, it is often preferable to have initially reached a mutually agreeable resolution. By taking part in the mediation process, individuals have greater control over the outcomes and are more inclined to honor the agreements they helped shape, fostering a higher level of satisfaction and cooperation.

In summary, mediation provides the advantages of confidentiality and increased commitment to agreements due to the active involvement of the parties themselves, offering a more constructive and satisfactory approach to resolving family law matters.

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