Insurance & Personal Injury Attorney in Braintree, Massachusetts

What is your experience handling insurance coverage cases?

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without a book of business when we

started this operation tonight in 1985

and so we had to take cases that might

have been more fringy than others which

included cases that there was the

coverage was in question and then as a

result of that we become very expert in

in coverage and you know I think it’s

important that we understand not just

our own people’s coverage but all the

coverage on the other side because it

helps frame the case I think about

insurance coverage so the way Willie

Sutton thinks about bank robberies and

you know why you’re robbing banks

because that’s where the money is I can

have a great case if I don’t have

insurance coverage or I or I do

something that takes me out of coverage

it’s not a great case anymore

Braintree, MA personal injury attorney Michael Conley discusses his experience handling insurance coverage cases. He explains that when we established our operation back in 1985, we didn’t have an existing book of business. Consequently, we had to handle cases that were considered more on the fringe, including those where the insurance coverage was uncertain. As a result, we gained extensive expertise in coverage matters. It is crucial for us not only to understand our clients’ insurance coverage but also to grasp the coverage on the opposing side. This comprehensive understanding helps us shape the case effectively, considering insurance coverage. In a way, it is akin to how Willie Sutton thought about bank robberies—targeting banks because that’s where the money is. Similarly, a case can be strong, but if there is no insurance coverage or if an action jeopardizes the coverage, the case loses its strength.

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