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Business Litigation: Tell us about a significant business litigation case

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The lawyers, the men and women who do these kinds of cases, these looted art cases, have to wait many years for a result, so you must, if you have a family to feed and you just want to make a reasonable living, you must really have something in terms of your basic practice, and we have had a successful business litigation practice. It has an international tinge to it, but it’s also local in terms of what happens here and what goes on.

I think maybe – I mean it’s so many cases and so many years, but you might be interested in. Some years ago – I have a friend in Paris who’s an American lawyer. He’s been there for many years, has developed a name for himself. And he refers me matters from time to time that involve California and the US West Coast. So he called me one day and he says, “I represent the wife of the most famous post-World War Two detective in Paris, a man named Mr. Borniche.” He was so famous that there was a movie about him, and he was played by Alain Delon, who was a very famous French actor in the old days – before our respective times, but a well-known guy. So we were representing the wife because Mr. Borniche was not in great health and the wife was handling investments and the like.

And she only made one mistake. She sold the same expensive property in Los Angeles County to two different people. So that was a little bit of a problem. We represented one of the persons in this transaction, who was the seller, Mrs. Borniche. And the first attempt that I made was to get the cases together, link ’em up. It would be so bad, I kept arguing, to have judge one decide one way, judge two the other way. How do you resolve it? And, unfortunately, the judges didn’t feel they had the power to try the cases together. It was kind of a race to the courthouse. But we were able to set upon a very good mediator, Judge Freedman, and he did an excellent job in bringing everybody together. And we resolved the case in the end and it was satisfactory.

Neither of the buyers was particularly interested in really getting the property, but they wanted some fair value for their time and efforts and attorney’s fees. But I would say selling a house to two different people was one of our interesting cases. I’ve had quite a number of situations like that – not exactly that one.

Los Angeles, CA business attorney Donald S. Burris talks about a weird case involving a woman who sold a house to two different people.


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