Family Law Appeals Attorney in Bradley Beach, New Jersey

What is the process to file an appeal?

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the appeal process

is as follows so there’s deadlines of

course and for example if you’re going

to appeal from a final judgment it’s 45


you can appeal really up until that last

minute the 44th day or the 45th day and

the notice of appeal the paperwork that

you file is relatively straightforward

and short maybe a couple of pages


what follows

is the writing and submission of

a brief a legal brief which is

quite long and extensive and appendices

of all the underlying papers and the


and the

the judges in trenton

um read everything

they want a complete record and they get

a complete record

then of course the other side has a

chance to respond and you have a chance

to respond to what they respond to

ultimately there’s oral argument

um should it go that far and you appear

in trenton and uh in the appellate

division and there’s oral argument with

the justices

there’s one thing i should add which is

that there’s something called the

casp civil appear appeals settlement


what that is is um it’s a sort of a


so the appel division will say we’ve

looked at this case at least initially

and we believe that you might benefit

from the this program which is a

mediation program

so you meet with a typically a retired


um or a judge on recall who has a lot of

experience from the appellate division

and they’ll help you mediate the case

you’ll provide statements

um shorter statements a couple of pages

and then these judges really really try

to dig in and help

settle these cases before ultimately

they go that far

um all the way i’ve had probably half

let’s say half

of the case of the appeals that i’ve

been involved with have settled

in this program the casp program

Bradley Beach, NJ family law attorney Brian Winters details the process to file an appeal.

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