DWI/DUI Attorney in Washington, DC, District of Columbia

What possible defenses might be raised in a Washington, D.C. DUI cases?

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there are lots of possible defenses that

can be raised in a DUI case some of the

key defenses could be you know my client

may have had

you know alcoholic beverages or perhaps

this ingested drugs or alcohol at some

point before the DUI stop or the DUI

arrest but that does not necessarily

mean that they were under the influence

so that in itself is a defense right

there that my client may have been

driving and may have ingested drugs or

alcohol but was not necessarily Under

the Influence involuntarily intoxication

is always a defense it’s rare that in

this world we find somebody that has

been intoxicated involuntarily but it

does happen and that is a clear defense

and also other defenses just simply

could be that there was no driving

behavior that was observed by the police

officers They Came Upon you because

there was an accident or maybe you had

passed out on the side of the road while

driving an officer showed up hours later

there needs to be evidence of driving

behavior simply the fact that you were

found in a vehicle does not necessarily

mean that you were driving Under the

Influence simply because of the fact

that you were found in a vehicle and you

were under the influence does not

necessarily mean that you were driving

that vehicle in a way that was affected

by the influence of drugs and or alcohol

Washington, D.C. criminal defense lawyer Nabeel Kibria discusses the possible defenses that might be raised in a Washington, D.C. DUI cases.

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