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One is taking too much time. If you’re in front of a judge or you’re in front of a jury they have a limited attention span. Their interest in your case is a tiny fraction of what your interest in your case is. You need to make a point, make it quickly, make it in a clear fashion so that they understand it, and not try to cover every single piece of information in a case. Because, they won’t be interested in it and it will take too much time.
Another mistake that I see is the litigant, the attorney, who is unable to accept a loss on any issue whatsoever. There are some issues, some points in a trial, or in litigation where you have the weaker argument. Accept it, admit it. Own it, acknowledge it and you will gain credibility with the judge or the trier of fact. Obviously, there are battles that must be fought. There are also battles that you should concede.
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Los Angeles, CA commercial litigation attorney Brian M. Grossman talks about some common mistakes he sees lawyers make in litigation.