Car Accident Cases Attorney in Glendale, California

What is the car accident claim process?

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Los Angeles, CA personal injury attorney Narbeh Shirvanian talks about the car accident claim process. When clients engage with the Sheranian Law Firm, the initial steps involve promptly establishing claims for their cases. This process includes identifying the liability carriers for each party involved and promptly notifying them about the accident or collision. The notification asserts representation and underscores the alleged negligence, dangerous driving, or unreasonable behavior of the insured party.

This communication sets in motion the claims process against the third party or at-fault party’s insurance. Simultaneously, a similar procedure is implemented with the client’s insurance company. This step is crucial for ruling out Proposition 213, ensuring that the client had liability insurance as legally required.

Throughout the claims process, the firm proactively contacts the insurance companies, files the necessary claims, and provides them with comprehensive information about the incident. Claim numbers are generated, and insurance adjusters are assigned to facilitate communication. This approach aims to address property damage, arrange for rental cars, and reimburse any out-of-pocket costs.

The firm’s focus during this phase extends beyond managing practical aspects to emphasizing the determination of responsibility and fault. This involves compelling the insurance companies to accept liability, laying the groundwork for a resolution that ensures clients receive the deserved compensation for their personal injury cases.

If there are further inquiries or a need for additional assistance, individuals are encouraged to reach out to the firm.

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