Car Accident Cases Attorney in Encinitas, California

What damages can I recover in a car accident case?

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the damages recoverable in a car

accident case are characterized in two

ways by the California civil


non-economic which we all call generally

pain and suffering but it’s so much more

than that non-economic includes physical

pain quality of life compromise physical

impairment inconvenience annoyance

anxiety emotional distress mental

distress those are all in the jury

instruction when the case gets tried so

those are the elements of the

non-economic harm the other is economic

losses which are your medical bills past

and future and your wage loss or

earnings loss past and future and you’ve

got to be prepared and monetize those

particularly the future uh losses and a

big case those are really critical and

you’ve got to get an expert witness to

review the earnings history the

performance and then project what the

earnings loss is over the remaining work

life of your client

Encinitas, CA personal injury attorney Michael Padilla talks about the damages you can recover in a car accident case.

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