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Los Angeles, CA personal injury attorney Narbeh Shirvanian talks about how long it takes to get a car accident settlement. The team frequently encounters the question of the expected duration for a case, encompassing its initiation, progression, and resolution. However, answering this question definitively proves challenging due to the unique variables inherent in each case. The settlement timeline is subject to variation, with outcomes ranging from sooner to later.
Numerous factors contribute to the case timeline, notably liability and damages. The determination of fault, liability, may face challenges from insurance companies, requiring the acquisition of witness statements. Concurrently, damages relate to the injuries sustained by clients. In cases involving bodily injuries, prioritizing comprehensive medical care over hastening the process is imperative. This approach ensures the client’s health is a top priority and facilitates an accurate assessment of damages during the settlement phase.
A cautious and thoughtful strategy is employed to protect the client’s interests. Understanding the client’s experience and ensuring each reported injury is thoroughly diagnosed and treated by a medical professional is paramount. While the typical duration for this process is six to eight months, variations exist, and certain instances may result in a shorter timeframe.
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