About the Personal Injury Firms Attorney in Torrance, California

History of the Firm: Tell us about the history of the firm

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The firm was founded by my father in 1984 and he had been practicing at that point for about 20 years, had already established a reputation as one of the leading plaintiff’s lawyers around. And ever since then, we’ve kind of grown and evolved. Richard Koskoff joined the firm in, I believe, 1988 or ’89 and he was my partner for many years. And I’ve been involved since about 1997.

Throughout that time, we’ve basically done similar types of cases. We’ve done serious injury cases throughout that period of time. Yeah, that’s kind of roughly the history of our firm.

Torrance, CA personal injury attorney Roger Booth talks about the history of his firm and who joined in what years. He explains that our firm has a rich history dating back to its founding by my father in 1984. With over 20 years of experience under his belt, he had already established himself as one of the leading plaintiff’s lawyers in the field. Over the years, our firm has grown and evolved, adapting to the changing legal landscape. In the late 1980s, we were joined by Richard Koskoff, who became my partner and contributed greatly to our firm’s success. Since my involvement in 1997, we have remained dedicated to handling serious injury cases. Throughout our history, our focus has remained consistent, prioritizing the representation of clients who have suffered significant harm. This brief overview encapsulates the trajectory of our firm and the types of cases we have consistently handled throughout the years.

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