About the Personal Injury Firms Attorney in Columbia, South Carolina

About Chappell, Chappell & Newman

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our firm is really different from the

standpoint that we use a few words to

describe us Um passion compassion

curiosity and fearlessness and when I

say that I mean when you represent a

family who’s lost a loved one um you

have to show a lot of compassion and

during my 39 years I’ve represented so

many people who’ve had a spouse a child

die from someone else’s negligence and

you just have to have that ability to

try to understand what they’re going

through passion if you’re going to go

into the courtroom you have to be

passionate and in my time I’ve tried

hundreds and hundreds of cases um have

gotten great results for clients that’s

the passion the Curiosity you have to be

able to take on a cause and believe in

it and uncover the issues that are going

on in that regard our little law firm

with three lawyers um in the morning I

might represent someone a friend whose

child was injured or had a fender bender

but in the afternoon we’re taking on

Dupont we’re taking on

AIG um we have lawsuits against

groundwater contamination defendants

Johnson and Johnson and that’s to have

to be curious to be willing to do that

but in order to take on large

corporations you also have to be

fearless and our lawyers are fearless in

our law firm and that makes us


our firm represents people that have

been injured and that can be a physical

injury or a financial injury the most

traditional type of case we handle is

the car wreck and unfortunately uh

that’s a very very common injury uh that

that people suffer so folks come to us

if they’ve uh been involved in a car

accident uh been involved in an accident

with the tractor trailer and we seek

compensation for the fiscal enturies

that they’ve suffered for the medical

bills that they’ve incurred for the

financial injuries that they’ve suffered

often times people are hurt uh to the

point where they can’t go to work for a

long time that is sort of our bread and

butter uh we also handle uh cases where

people have been injured on the job and

have to rely on workers compensation to

uh pay their medical bills or to seek

compensation for their physical injury

uh some of the more unusual areas that

we handle would be products liability

where uh products have been designed or

manufactured in a way that winds up

hurting the end user and then there are

multi-district litigation cases that we

handle as well well as class actions

that pretty much covers the

Waterfront so at chapel chapel and

Newman we are really a Hands-On Law Firm

we’re designed intentionally to not take

a ton of cases so that we can focus on

the real important issues for our

clients and provide them with the best

legal representation possible by not

over extending

ourselves when a client’s looking to

hire a lawyer for the first time I

oftentimes tell them just trust your gut

see if you can have a real genuine

conversation from the very beginning

with the attorney that you’re looking to

hire and feel them out use just as you

would your your normal gut feeling in

everyday life with the attorney that’s

where trust is built is from the first

conversation and from step one day one

Columbia, SC personal injury attorneys Mark D. Chappell, Graham Newman, and Mark D. Chappell Jr. discuss what makes their firm different, their areas of practice, service to clients, and what to look for in a lawyer.

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