Workers Compensation Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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One of the reasons that I have worked at this law firm for over 30 years is the association that I have with my partners who practice in the area of personal injury and medical negligence. Workers compensation is a limited benefit system. It only covers wage loss benefits and not entirely so. It covers medical expenses; it pays a small amount of money for permanent injuries. So in a situation where someone � and you can’t sue your employer because they were wrong or they were negligent or they were careless, it’s a no fault system. Even if the employer was very careless and caused a very serious injury, you are stuck in the work comp system unless you can find a third party. The employee’s the first party, the employer’s the second party, a third party would be someone else who caused that injury. And if you can and we aggressively attempt to search out and find potential third parties because then one of my partners can work with me on the case and pursue a personal injury claim in addition to the work comp claim against that third party. And in those cases, if we’re fortunate enough to have two cases going at the same time there’s a much greater opportunity for that injured worker to be made whole.

Minneapolis workers’ compensation attorney Mark Olive discusses remedies available to people when traditional workers’ compensation does not provide coverage.

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