Other Personal Injury Plaintiffs Topics Attorney in Phoenix, Arizona

Service to Spanish Speaking Clients

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Yes, our firm is uniquely situated to represent folks that don’t speak English. In southern Arizona, as well as throughout the western states, we have a large population that speaks Spanish. I’m fluent in Spanish. I attended some of my schooling in Mexico as well as in Spain. A number of our staff are fluently bilingual as well, and we are unique in that we can provide folks with representation in English and in Spanish to the same level and quality as if they spoke English.

Phoenix, AZ personal injury attorney Gabe Kory talks about his rare skill set of being able to speak and understand Spanish for his clients, as much as English. He explains that indeed, our firm is exceptionally positioned to assist individuals who do not speak English. In Southern Arizona, as well as across the western states, there is a significant population that communicates primarily in Spanish. I am fluent in Spanish, having received part of my education in Mexico and Spain. Additionally, several members of our staff are fully bilingual. What sets us apart is our ability to offer equal levels of representation and quality in both English and Spanish. We are committed to ensuring that language is not a barrier when it comes to providing effective legal assistance.

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