Memorable Personal Injury Cases Attorney in Denton, Texas

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I’m gonna tell you some specifics about a particular personal injury case that we tried. It’s all a matter of public record I’m not making any disclosures here that can’t be found in the public record. We had a lady who was I believe about 67, 68-years old she was working and she liked her work. This was a fairly ordinary automobile accident she got hit in the rear by another vehicle. She had neck and back injuries that prevented her from continuing her work. She was actually a teacher and she taught in an industry that had continuing education that was necessary. But she couldn’t stand and teach for long periods of time.

She only had about as I recall $12,000.00-$15,000.00 dollars in medical treatment, didn’t have any surgery, wasn’t going to have any, and didn’t have any future medical that we could prove up. What her loss was in addition to the pain and suffering was the fact that she loved her work. She loved doing what she was doing and she was prevented from doing that. And that offer of $35,000.00 that we had to settle the case didn’t actually come until right on the eve of trial. Before that, I think it had been about $20,000.00. And we tried that the case, the jury liked her just as much as we thought they would, and they awarded her $538,000.00 and the judgment was paid and not appealed.

Denton, TX trial attorney Bill Wood talks about a specific case he worked on and what it meant for his client as well as the large amount of compensation he was able to settle with for the client. He explains that I would like to share specific details about a particular personal injury case that we tried. Please note that all the information I am about to disclose is a matter of public record, and I am not revealing any non-public information. The plaintiff in this case was a lady who, to the best of my recollection, was around 67 or 68 years old and was actively employed in a job she enjoyed. The incident involved a typical automobile accident, where her vehicle was struck from behind by another car. As a result, she sustained injuries to her neck and back, which prevented her from continuing her work. It is worth noting that she worked as a teacher in a field that required ongoing professional development. However, due to her injuries, she was unable to stand and teach for extended periods.

In terms of medical expenses, I recall that she incurred approximately $12,000.00 to $15,000.00 in treatment costs. She did not undergo any surgical procedures nor had any planned in the future. Additionally, there was no concrete evidence of any future medical expenses. Apart from the physical pain and suffering she endured, her significant loss stemmed from her deep love for her work. She derived immense satisfaction from her profession, and her injuries prevented her from pursuing her passion. The initial settlement offer for the case was $35,000.00, which was not presented until the eve of the trial. Prior to that, I believe the offer stood at around $20,000.00. As we proceeded to trial, the jury demonstrated the same level of appreciation for the plaintiff as we had anticipated and ultimately awarded her $538,000.00. The judgment was promptly paid and no appeal was made.

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