Memorable Personal Injury Cases Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia

$11 Million Verdict Against Philip Morris

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One of my most memorable cases is Jordon v Philip Morris. And that was a case against the tobacco companies in Florida brought pursuant to the Engle class actions, where I represented Elaine Jordan, who had been a lifelong smoker. She started smoking before there were warnings on the labels of cigarettes, and before people really for the public understood the harms associated with smoking. And what those cases are about is and probably everybody now knows the story of how Big Tobacco hid from the American public, and really from the world, what it knew regarding that not only the dangers of cigarette smoking, but also the addictive nature of cigarette smoking.

Elaine started smoking when she was 14 years old, and by the time we went to trial she had had two lung transplants. And we were able to put on at trial the story of how Big Tobacco had hid that information from people like Elaine Jordan, and how Big Tobacco had marketed their products to children. At the time when Elaine was 14 we found documents within the archives of Philip Morris and of RJ Reynolds and the other tobacco companies showing that they were intentionally marketing their products to middle school children. They were intentionally marketing their products to adolescents.

And what the plan was, which is worn out in their documents, was is to get children addicted so that they become lifelong smokers. And that case really involved a lot of the history of the tobacco industry, and it also involved a lot of information about addiction. We had to prove that Elaine Jordan was addicted and what that means. And addiction has touched just about everybody. We found that on our juries that addiction is something everybody understands. So we really explained to them what nicotine addiction means and why nicotine addiction is so powerful, and how it has a genetic component to it.

And at the end of that trial we received an $11 million verdict against the tobacco companies, which they appealed and we went all the way through the appeals and has been resolved, and that is just a really thrilling case, because I think it did so much good, and not only for my individual client, but also to tell the story about Big Tobacco.

Atlanta, GA personal injury attorney Laura M. Shamp talks about her $11 million verdict against Philip Morris on behalf of an ex-smoker. She explains that one of the most unforgettable cases in my career is Jordon v Philip Morris. It involved a lawsuit against tobacco companies in Florida as part of the Engle class actions. In this case, I represented Elaine Jordan, a lifelong smoker who had started smoking before cigarette labels carried warnings and before the public fully understood the dangers associated with smoking. These cases shed light on how Big Tobacco concealed vital information about the hazards and addictive nature of smoking from the American public and the world.

Elaine began smoking at the age of 14 and, by the time we reached trial, she had already undergone two lung transplants. During the trial, we presented compelling evidence of how Big Tobacco deliberately kept this critical information hidden from individuals like Elaine Jordan and how they targeted their marketing efforts toward children. Documents from the archives of Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and other tobacco companies revealed their intentional marketing strategies aimed at middle school children and adolescents.

Their plan, as demonstrated by these documents, was to foster addiction in children, ensuring lifelong smokers. The case delved into the extensive history of the tobacco industry, exposing their deceptive practices and highlighting the concept of addiction. We had to establish that Elaine Jordan was indeed addicted and explain the nature and power of nicotine addiction. Addiction is something that resonates with nearly everyone, as we discovered during jury selection. We provided a comprehensive explanation of nicotine addiction, its profound effects, and its genetic components.

After an arduous legal process that included appeals, we ultimately secured an $11 million verdict against the tobacco companies. This case was not only thrilling because of the significant outcome for my client, but also because it served as a platform to expose the truth about Big Tobacco. It brought much-needed awareness to their deceptive practices and the detrimental effects of smoking. It was a case that, I believe, made a substantial positive impact.

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