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We’re one of the few people in this area that still do medical malpractice cases and we do those as a team Grace and I and the rest of our firm. And I should mention here that we got a staff that’s been with us a long time they’re experienced, they’re very well qualified, and without them, we couldn’t do what we do. But recently we have, again, settled successfully because everybody in the medical malpractice fields know that we try those cases and we do and we’ve had success. But recently we’ve settled some right on the verge of trial and had very good results for our clients.
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Denton, TX trial attorney Bill Wood talks about the amount of success his firm has accomplished with medical malpractice cases. He explains that in this area, we are among the few who actively handle medical malpractice cases, and our approach involves a collaborative effort between Grace, myself, and the rest of our firm. It is important to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our long-standing and highly qualified staff, as without them, our achievements would not be possible. Our consistent dedication to medical malpractice litigation has garnered recognition within the industry, and our successful track record speaks for itself. Recently, we have obtained favorable settlements, often reaching the point just before trial, resulting in highly satisfactory outcomes for our clients.