Memorable Business / Corporate Cases Attorney in Tukwila, Washington

Memorable Business Case

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We had a case where three individuals opened up a tire shop. They became successful after three years as far as getting a positive income and then, low and behold, two of the three members chose to kick out the third member. Because the way that the county works is that each individual gets the number of votes based on the units that they owe. And so, what we were able to do was negotiate what that buy out was going to be. And then, in the interim, his wife decided to start up their own company, and I immediately set them up in business so it was a direct transfer. Once he was gone from that company he was now in this other company and doing quite well. And so, we look at the situation for the individual how can they best come out, and then what can they do with that going forward?

Seattle, WA business lawyer Thomas E. Gates talks about a memorable business case in which he helped a client who was kicked out of his LLC by the other two owners.

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