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What are the consequences of getting a CPO filed against me?

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If you have served on you a temporary protection order by a party, a family member, someone you’re in a relationship with, more than likely this happened while you were at home, at work, and it was something that was embarrassing and maybe a little bit scary. What is going to happen is you will be coming back to court, generally, within two weeks of receiving that temporary protection order and the party who served it against you, the petitioner is going to be seeking a civil protection order against you. And this is something that you should absolutely fight and you should fight with an attorney.

The rules of evidence apply in these cases and it’s something that is it’s slightly slanted to the petitioner or the person who’s filing the petition against the respondent. You. If you’re to go into this and not go with an attorney, not to go with someone to help you fight against this, you’re looking at a serious loss of liberties. This could be your right to carry a firearm. You could be kicked out of your own house. You could be forced to stay away from your children’s school. You could even potentially lose visitation rights to your school.

One of the biggest things and one of the biggest reasons why you need an attorney to fight in this situation is if this individual does receive a civil protection order against you they can go to the police essentially at any time, say you violated the agreement, and bring criminal contempt charges against you. If you’re a professional, someone who has a security clearance or someone who is in a situation where any kind of arrest could cause them to lose their job, this is extremely serious. As a result, if you are facing a temporary protection order or you find out that you’re going to be going to court to fight against a civil protection order you should contact an attorney in Washington, DC immediately so you can get some help.

Washington, DC criminal defense lawyer Christopher J. Mutimer explains what happens when a CPO (Civil Protection Order) is filed against you.

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