Boat Accidents Attorney in Houston, Texas

Boat Accidents

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One of the saddest cases I’ve ever worked on in my life actually was a boat accident. It was a young boy who was 11-years old and was out on the river with a couple of friends. One of his friends dad owned a ski boat and another boat, he was behind the boat about to wakeboard and unfortunately, another boater or wakeboarder came by at a high rate of speed and lost control and ended up, basically, running over this young boy’s head. He was life-lighted and ultimately died from the injuries.

One of the problems we see in a lot of boating accidents is alcohol. In addition to the other, the person who caused the harm usually being intoxicated you’d be surprised how many people don’t carry insurance on their boats. And if they do, don’t carry enough insurance because bad things happen when boats are involved. They’re difficult cases but usually they’re such tragic situations that you really need a lawyer to help kind of walk you through and wade through some of the legal issues that are involved.

Houston, TX Personal Injury Attorney Daniel D. Horowitz, III talks about the various types of boat accidents he’s seen in his cases.

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