Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

What does “best interest factors” mean?

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After decades of the same laws on the books, the legislature in the spring of 2015 updated the factors that the courts are required to look at in making determinations as to what’s in the best interest of the children. These are the best interest factors. They did this by working with social scientists, learned practitioners, child psychologists and basically took studies and research along with evolving times, even the newer technologies we have between text messaging and more ready access to one another than we used to have 30 years ago and considered how do we update these. So, now we have a whole new set of factors that can be found on our website that go through and the court has to be – to consider those. And these are the best learning that we have in regards to the things that need to be taken into account to make sure that every child in a custody case, a divorce case, paternity case has their best interests looked after.

Stillwater family law attorney, Matt Ludt, discusses how courts evaluate child custody.

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