Mediation Attorney in Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Advice Lawyers Entering Mediation

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Well, I think it’s important that they be realistic in terms of what their expectations are.  I think it’s also important that lawyers not get into the habit of wanting to argue their case to the mediator.  It’s important that they let the mediator know where they’re at, but it doesn’t do, really, a lot of good for a lawyer to spend a lot of time arguing the case, because the mediator isn’t there to decide.  The mediator is there to help them find a resolution to the dispute.  If they want to argue the case they can take that through motion practice, or to the judge, or to a jury through trial. So I think it’s important for lawyers to keep in mind that arguing their case to the mediator isn’t necessarily the best way to proceed.

Minnesota Mediation Attorney, Gregg Johnson, gives advice to lawyers when entering the mediation process.

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