About the Business Law Firms Attorney in Chicago, Illinois

What is the firm’s experience and capabilities in real estate law?

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the firm uh has been representing

institutional real estate developers in

the chicago market

uh my former pr including my former

partner would now be

for over 50 years

we represent a lot of institutional real

estate developers that do condominium

developments apartment buildings office

buildings retail residential commercial


we represent them on their acquisition

of the property we represent them on the

preparation of their organizational


the underlying operating agreement

subscription documents offering


we handle their construction loan review

of their construction loan documents

issuing attorney opinion letters


access easements reciprocal easements

all types of

of legal documents

in helping them work on that so we’ve

we’ve represented uh in probably

at least since since 1990 we’ve probably

closed on over 10 000 condominium units

on behalf of clients in the city of

chicago and have handled thousands of

other real estate transactions and


Chicago, IL business attorney Glenn L. Udell discusses his firm’s experience and capabilities in real estate law.

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